Saturday, September 20, 2008

Fondant--Friend or Foe?

Well... First blog post here! Yay!

I had a cake order for today that was actually FOR my best customer's 40th b-day.

They just said to put a horse or something on it. :(  I got inspired and thought...'I have some leftover fondant from a cake a couple of weeks ago, why don't I make a cow-girl hat?' & She is worth the effort since she is my best customer. (her hubby & friend were ordering it for her..)

Oh I have ever done anything like that before? So I called the friend and asked her if this would be alright. I wasn't going to charge anymore since this was for my learning pleasure!

She said to go ahead...So this is how it turned out!...

Had I more time, I would have let it dry for a few days to curl the base of the hat upwards. But I thought it turned out pretty good considering. The hat is supposed to be black...and it was turning darker as  the day wore on yesterday---it is a delicious fondant recipe I got from I added a lot of Cocoa and black food colouring. The kids told me it tasted like Tootsie Rolls (leftover pieces) I imagine that's a good thing! The reason I did it in black is because the birthday girl has a black cowgirl hat that she wears when riding. 

Anyhooo..I thought it turned out ok for a first hat! :) I didn't follow any layout/pattern---just went with my instincts. That's the way I am. I really don't follow too many recipe's. :) A bit of a rebel that way. ;)

Also you can see in the pics that there are spots of Cocoa on it and icing sugar & shineyness from the shortening--you really can't notice it when you look at it with the naked know how they say the camera adds 10 lbs? also adds the faults in the cakes!! ;)

Have a great week-end. :)